The use of data science has grown so much today that there is no area today where data science cannot be used. There are so many domains that you might be interested in working on in the future. So if you already have some domain expertise or if you are a newbie with some interest in a particular domain and want to learn how you can use data science in your respective domain, this article is for you. In this article, I'll walk you through data science projects based on domains.

Data Science Projects Based on Domains

Some of the domains where a data science professional is highly paid are:

  1. Finance
  2. Marketing 
  3. Social Media 
  4. Software & IT Services 
  5. Healthcare 

There are many other areas that you might be interested in working as a data scientist, but in this article, I am going to introduce you to some of the best data science projects based on all the domains mentioned above. So let's go through the data science projects based on all of these domains one by one.


Finance is one of the highest paying domains in data science. There are several use cases where data science is used in finance. For example, risk management, algorithmic trading strategy, fraud detection, etc. As a newbie in data science in finance, you can try the data science projects mentioned below:

  1. Profit Prediction Model
  2. Fraud Detection Model
  3. Car Price Prediction Model


Marketing includes all the activities that a business needs to promote its products and services. Today, data science is used in marketing not only to promote products and services but also to find the most profitable customers so that a business can lower the cost of marketing its products and services. As a marketing data science newbie, you can try the data science projects mentioned below:

  1. Google Search Analysis
  2. Click-through rate prediction model
  3. Social Media Ads Classification

Social Media:

There was a time when social media was just a way to share your life. But today, the increase in the number of content creators around the world has transformed every social media application into a platform for content creation, marketing and many other business activities. As a social media data science newbie, you can try the data science projects mentioned below:

  1. Hate Speech Detection
  2. Social Media Followers Prediction
  3. WhatsApp Chats Sentiment Analysis

Software & IT Services:

The primary goal of using data science in software and IT services is to provide a better user experience. Every business has software engineers and web developers, but to increase the quality of the user experience, they need to employ a lot of data science and machine learning techniques. As a data science beginner in software and IT services, you can try the data science projects mentioned below:

  1. Google Play Store Sentiment Analysis
  2. Tinder Matches Prediction
  3. Spam Detection


Data science with respect to healthcare means maintaining and improving the health of people through innovations in disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment, recovery and cure. In recent years, especially during the pandemic, the use of data science has increased a lot in the healthcare domain. As a newbie to data science in healthcare, you can try the data science projects mentioned below:

  1. Covid-19 Cases Prediction
  2. Contact Tracing 
  3. Skin Cancer Classification 


So these were some of the best data science projects based on different kinds of domains. If you already have some expertise in any domain or if you are a beginner interested in a particular field and want to learn how to use data science in your respective field, I hope these data science project ideas will help you. I hope you liked this article on data science projects based on domains. Feel free to ask your valuable questions in the comments section below.