Server 2019

1. Prepare

- GAS-DC-002 : Domain Controller(adam.local) running Windows Server 2008 R2
| GAS-DC-004 : Workgroup running Windows Server 2019

2. Step by step : Active Directory Migration from Windows Server 2008 R2 to Windows Server 2019

- GAS-DC-001 : Raise forest functional level and SYSVOL migration from FRS to DFSR

+ Start - Administrative Tools - Active Directory Domains and Trusts - Right-Click 'Active Directory Domains and Trusts [GAS-DC-001.adam.local]'

- Raise Forest Functional Level... - Select an available forest functional level: Choose 'Windows Server 2008 R2' - Raise - OK

+ Right-Click adam.local - Raise Domain Functional Level... - Check current domain functional level : Windows Server 2008 R2 - OK

+ Start - cmd, type :

+ dcdiag /e /test:sysvolcheck /test:advertising # Test that sysvol is shared and advertising

+ dfsrmig /getglobalstate # Verify the system uses the FRS or DFRS

+ dfsrmig /setglobalstate 1 # Waiting between 15 min to 1 hour

+ dfsrmig /getmigrationstate # Verify that all domain controllers have migrated successfully to the worldwide state

+ dfsrmig /setglobalstate 2 # Waiting between 15 min to 1 hour

+ dfsrmig /getmigrationstate # Verify that all domain controllers have migrated successfully to the worldwide state

+ dfsrmig /setglobalstate 3 # Waiting between 15 min to 1 hour

+ dfsrmig /getmigrationstate # Verify that all domain controllers have migrated successfully to the worldwide state

+ net share # Verify the SYSVOL share and type net share

+ Start - services.msc - check 'File Replication Service' Disabled and Stopped --- OK

+ Start - cmd, type : netdom query fsmo # check server has installed FSMO roles --- Restart server

- GAS-DC-004 : Install an Additional Domain Controller and transfer FSMO from GAS-DC-001

+ Join to adam.local - Restart server

+ Server Manager - Manage - Add Roles and Features - Next to Server Roles - Select 'Active Directory Domain Services' + DNS - Add Features

- Next and Install - Close

+ Click Notifications - Click "Promote this server to a domain controller" - Select "Add a domain controller to an existing domain"

- Type the Directory Services Restore Mode (DSRM) password : Enter Password and Confirm password - Next to Install - Restart

+ Logon use account ADAMadministrator - Start - cmd - Type : nltest /dclist:adam.local === Check Domain Controllers

+ Tranfer RID Master, PDC Emulator, and Infrastructure Masters :

+ Server Manager - Tools - Active Directory Users and Computers - Right-Click adam.local - Operations Masters... :

+ Tag RID : click Change... - Yes + Tag PDC : click Change... - Yes + Tag Infrastructure : click Change... - Yes

+ Transfer Domain Naming Master :

+ Server Manager - Tools - Active Directory Domains and Trusts

- Right-Click 'Active Directory Domains and Trusts[GAS-DC-004.adam.local]' - Operations Masters... - Click Change... - Yes

+ Transfer Schema Master

+ Start - cmd, type : 'regsvr32 schmmgmt.dll' - mmc - File - add/Remove Snap-in... - Select 'Active Directory schema' - add - ok

- Right-Click 'Active Directory schema[GAS-DC-001.adam.local]' - change Active Directory Domain Controller... - Change to : Select GAS-DC-004 - ok

- Right-Click 'Active Directory schema[GAS-DC-004.adam.local]'
- Operation Masters... - Click Change - Yes - Close

+ Start - cmd, type : netdom query fsmo
# show server holding FSMO Roles is GAS-DC-004- OK

- GAS-DC-001 : Demote Domain Controller

+ Start - dcpromo - Next to Administrator Password : Enter password and confirm - Finish - Restart Now

+ Server Manager - Roles - Remove Roles - Server Roles : Uncheck 'Active Directory Domain Services' + DNS - Remove - Close - Restart

- : Check Domain Controllers again

+ Active Directory Users and Computers - adam.local- Domain Controllers Contain === Only GAS-DC-004 === OK

windows server