In this video, we take a look at deploying OpenShift 4 on OpenStack utilising the Kuryr CNI. I started this video on OKD 4.6 and finished it on OCP 4.7. I had some issues unrelated to Kuryr that made me change midway.

The Documentation links:

Adding Octavia to TripleO:

Building Amphora images:

Kuryr CNI details:

Octavia OVN Provider:

0:00 intro
0:29 Kuryr advantages
2:08 Talking about Octavia OVN provider
2:28 Prerequisites
3:40 OVN and Amphora LBs
6:00 The install process
8:09 Entirely optional manifest generation step for the curious people
11:30 Logging in to the bootstrap node
13:14 Network cluster operator's role
16:02 Network cluster operator logs and CNI initialisation
19:11 Install script fails due to timeout. How to use wait-for instead
20:18 CNI initialised
20:43 Using oc debug to access nodes
21:15 Checking where the deployment is up to
22:15 Completed deployment
22:50 OpenShift Services and OpenStack Load Balancers
24:05 Neutron Trunks
25:25 Checking out the LB's reported from Octavia and then in OVN
27:20 How they correspond to OpenShift services
29:29 The kuryrloadbalancer CRD
31:05 Recap and Overview

source by TripleWho?
